Embracing Flexibility: A Key to Success and Fulfillment

Flexibility is a trait that can greatly influence our personal and professional lives, allowing us to navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and adapt to changing circumstances. But what does it mean to “be flexible,” and in what areas of life should we exercise this flexibility? Let’s explore the concept of flexibility, what aspects require flexibility, and …

What are three common issues the small manufacturers face?

Three common issues that small manufacturers often face are: • Limited Resources: Small manufacturers often have restricted budgets, workforce, and technology, which can hinder their ability to scale, innovate, or adapt to market changes. • Supply Chain Challenges: Managing complex supply chains, sourcing materials, coordinating logistics, and maintaining quality control can be overwhelming for small …

Navigating Business Succession: A Comprehensive Guide to Crafting Your Exit Plan

It is Important to have a solid exit succession plan for your business. A well thought out plan not only ensures a smooth transition but also safeguards the legacy you have built. If you do not have a plan, you should start now. Steps for Creating an Exit Succession Plan: 1. Assessment of Business and Personal …

Raise Your Prices?

I remember hearing a story about a tattoo artist who was charging $50 an hour for his services. When a Business Coach told him he should double his price, raise it to $100 an hour, his reply was “I will lose half my customers” The coach explained that the industry average for the area was …

What have you learned from 2020?

What have you learned in 2020? I am a big-time advocate of continuous improvement. Part of improving all the time is learning all the time, whether it is learning from events in my life, or learning from watching others.  Pivot – use basketball example I learned from all American college player, pivot to the hoop.  …

What to do When Calamity Hits

Life has hardships, you can’t avoid them. Very recently we lost a close family member. It is still difficult to talk about it. I started to think about how it affects you when you suffer loss. It really can be difficult to process. Difficult to move on. Many mornings it is hard to even get …

Know Your Numbers

How important is knowing your numbers in your business? I have seen small businesses survive just like many Americans do in their personal life. Many live by the skin of their teeth and paycheck to paycheck. As a small business it may be difficult to scribe out some time to look at the details. Without …